Shipping & payment terms

Here you will find all the information about the costs that arise when you want your order to be shipped. Information on the possible payment methods is also available here.

Shipping Information

country delivery time shipping method Price
Germany 3 – 4 business days DHL 0kg to 2kg €4.99
3 – 4 business days DHL 2kg to 5kg €5.99
3 – 4 business days DHL 5kg to 10kg €8.49
3 – 4 business days DHL 10kg to 31kg €16.49


Payment Information


PayPal is the online payment service that you can use to pay securely, easily and quickly in online shops – and it’s free.

  • Secure: Your bank or credit card details are only stored with PayPal. Therefore, they are not sent over the Internet again with every online purchase.
  • Simple: You pay with two clicks. Because you access your bank or credit card details stored with PayPal instead of re-entering them with every purchase.
  • Fast: PayPal payments arrive quickly. Then the seller can send the goods immediately and you will usually receive them earlier

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